Did you ever make the Honor Roll as a student? Being recognized for being in the top of your class – what an accomplishment! Well, our U.S. Senators brought home their grades and although they weren’t graded on their paintings or musical scales, some managed to make the arts Honor Roll.
The Arts Action Fund graded the members of the U.S. Senate on their support for the arts just like on those report cards that you used to bring home - except we used criteria like voting in support of the arts, joining the Senate Arts Caucus, and more. Senators had three opportunities to vote on the arts during the past two years—from including the arts in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to supporting public art along our nation’s highways to ensuring museums received federal funds. Your senators had the chance to stand up for the arts and many of them rose to the occasion.
Whether they speak out in support of the arts, are aware of the economic role the arts play and the well-being they provide in their state, or simply quietly cast their vote, each of the thirteen Senators we have featured received an A+ to B+ on their support for the arts. And they aren’t the only ones – in fact there are thirty-seven who received a B+ or above on our Congressional Arts Report Card.
Sadly, there are also many who failed in their support of the arts. You can learn more about what it means to fail the arts and who these Senators are in the Dirty Dozen feature of the Congressional Arts Report Card.
Making the Honor Roll affects more than just those Senators who find their names there. Acing the arts as a Senator means supporting the arts for the whole country. It is the support of the arts at the federal level that helps the arts in your community, and communities across the country thrive.
Take a moment to let these Senators know that while they might not receive a gold star for their A grade like they once did, their support is noticed. Share the Honor Roll via Twitter or Facebook with the links below and help get the word out. Or go one step further and support the arts year round by lending your voice to the growing grassroots movement for the arts in America.
View the grades for all members of the Senate.
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