Finished reading White Teeth by Zadie Smith. Seems like the first two books i chose where similarly about navigating personal/cultural identity as a foreigner living abroad. White Teeth follows the families of a Pakistani immigrant in London and his friendship with a British born man married to a Jamaican woman. It follows the lives of their children and examines being caught between nations, the idea of home and self, cultural imperialism, science vs religion and East vs West.
loved White Teeth too. I think you might also like Geek Love by Katherine Dunn. explores all of these subjects through a circus family who all have deformities. very cool book!
We should commence a book club. I just finished Revolutionary Road and I was so eager to discuss it that I cornered my roommate, who had only seen the film adaptation. Shall we read more Smith, like On Beauty?
Yes! i read Geek Love in HS and I loved it. Been thinking about rereading it. And Becs i got On Beauty sitting on my desk so just let me know.
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